Universitas Diponegoro (Undip) is conducting website standardization guidance within the campus environment. This step is part of Undip’s commitment to enhance service quality and visibility in the digital era.

Undip has launched a website standardization guidance program aimed at ensuring that every unit within the university has a responsive, informative, and well-governed website.

The program involves a team of IT and web design experts who will provide guidance to each unit in updating and improving the appearance and functionality of their websites. The guidance team will provide directions on responsive design, good information structure, and best practices in content management.

The program is expected to update and improve the websites of each unit to be more effective in conveying information to various parties. This initiative is also in line with Undip’s commitment to adopting information technology to enhance education and services.

With these measures, Universitas Diponegoro hopes to achieve high standards in online representation, strengthen its identity, and provide a better user experience for all parties involved.